Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Spearfishing Ulithi part 1

Strong current and because of that not much diving. At the end got really badly stung
by a Portuguese man o' war. When I surfaced and put my snorkel back in my mouth it was tangled
around it and I got stung in my upper lip, one small peace on the lower lip, left side of my face (under my mask) and
during my try to remove it, also on my left knee.
I only saw some very very thin tentacles and some blue,
for sure a jellyfish, but I did not see any umbrella/head/body. 
Luckily I had at least the upper part of my body covered in neoprene. 
I waved with my speargun, as discussed with the people before, calling them like this
means fish or something wrong. It was paintful I can tell you. For me the best way to compare it with
something I experienced before, is eating a Ghost Chili or a Bhut Jolokia Chili.
This kind of pain you have in your mouth, muliplied maybe by two, on your skin.
They gave me on the boat some leafs (I gave them some before for chewing with betelnut) to rub it on my skin
I was thinking all the time about my epi-pen, which was in my guesthouse and about the time, how many minutes is 
it ago... hopefully not getting an anaphylaxis.
We went straight to the next bigger island (Isor) and they asked all the time about my situation.
Arrived on the island my lips felt like I had a collagen injection in or like you really got a hard punch on it ;)
The lips started getting better, but the situation with my knee changed. I felt like something
was moving up inside my thigh, probably the muscle or nerve I thought. It was now about 25 minutes ago
since this thing got me. And they found one part of it tangled in my floating line. Looked like
a small ballon, about 3cm long with blue on the belly.

90 minutes later, only my knee was still hurting a bit. Luckily nothing more happened.
For the first day, enough action.
Still thinking about how thin this tentacles been. I was not able spotting them under water,
only during the time when I hold my snorkel out of the water.
They told me, Mahi Mahi Season, plenty of them, but its not Mahi Mahi season ;)

Tomorrow we are going to Mogmog, one of the most traditional Islands here and after that,
some spearfishing on our way back. But this time, with my epi-pen in my backpac

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